Welcometo Northwestern Community Church

We are a diverse group of Christians from many denominational backgrounds who are united by our faith in Jesus Christ. We meet on Sundays to worship a Trinitarian God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to encourage each other in our daily walk and to be a light to the community around us.

In keeping with Churches of Christ tradition we share in communion weekly. We also meet throughout the week for Bible Studies and Home groups, and we make the discipleship of our young people a priority through Kid's Church (during the sermon) and Youth Group.

Whether you are already a Christian or wanting to learn more about Jesus and the hope he offers you are always welcome at Northwestern Community Church.

A Church of Christ

Help for the Helpless

Listen to the full message here

Messages Our current sermon series

"Come, Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord..."

"...to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths” (Isaiah 2:). A copy of the Law of God was kept in the security of the sanctuary of the temple on Mt Zion. How do Christians read and apply Old Testament Law in their own lives?

Listen to the latest

Get Involvedat Northwestern Community Church

WIST Groups

WIST Groups

Women in Service Together

Worship Services

Worship Services

Sunday Mornings 10:00am, 201 Port Road Queenstown

Bible Studies

Bible Studies

Wednesdays 10:00am Thursdays 7:00pm @ the Church

Kid's Church

Kid's Church

10:00am Sundays during the sermon

Youth Group

Youth Group

Crazy fun, serious conversations. 7:00pm Fridays

Online and Media

Online and Media

Live-streamed Services and Bible Studies

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